Swap First and Last Nodes

Swap first and last nodes in a Singly Linked List.

  • Create two node pointers: temp and lastNode
  • temp - Points to last node but one node in actual linked list.
  • lastNode - Points to last node in actual linked list.
  • Make first node in actual list as last node in resultant list.
  • Make last node in actual list as first node in resultant list.
void swapFirstAndLast(){
  struct node *temp, *lastNode;
  lastNode = head;
    temp = lastNode;
    lastNode = lastNode->next;
  temp->next = head;
  lastNode->next = head->next;
  head = lastNode;
  temp->next->next = NULL;

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  2. Perform insertion operation on Singly Linked List.
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  4. Reverse of Singly Linked List.
  5. Move last node of Singly Linked List to first.
  6. Swap first and last nodes in a Singly Linked List.
  7. Find the length of Singly Linked List.
  8. Find middle node of Singly Linked List

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