Middle Node of Singly Linked List

To find the middle node in Singly Linked List:

  1. Create two node pointers: temp and middle.
  2. Initialize temp and middle with head.
  3. Move middle pointer by one.
  4. Move temp pointer by two.
  5. Iterate 3 and 4, until temp becomes NULL.
int middleNode(){
  struct node *temp, *middle;
  temp = middle = head;
    middle = middle->next;
    temp = temp->next->next;
  return middle->data;

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  2. Perform insertion operation on Singly Linked List.
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  4. Reverse of Singly Linked List.
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  6. Swap first and last nodes in a Singly Linked List.
  7. Find the length of Singly Linked List.
  8. Find middle node of Singly Linked List

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