MEAN Stack Technologies Module-II

  1. Write Angular code that illustrate the following directives:
    1. ng-init
    2. ng-repeat
    3. ng-model

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  2. Build your first Angular application with Node.js.

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  3. Create a new component called hello and render Hello Angular on the page.

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  4. Add an event to the hello component template and when it is clicked, it should change the course name.

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    1. Illustrate structural directive ngIf-else.
    2. Create a courses array and rendering it in the template using ngFor directive in a list format.
    3. Display the correct option based on the value passed to ngSwitch directive.

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    1. Apply multiple CSS properties to a paragraph in a component using ngStyle.
    2. Apply multiple CSS classes to the text using ngClass directive.

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    1. Binding image with class property using property binding.
    2. Binding an element using inline style and user actions like entering text in input fields.

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    1. Display the product code in lowercase and product name in uppercase using built-in pipes.
    2. Apply built-in pipes with parameters to display product details.

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    1. Load CourseslistComponent in the root component when a user clicks on the View courses list button.
    2. Create an AppComponent that displays a dropdown with a list of courses as values in it. Create another component called the CoursesList component and load it in AppComponent which should display the course details. When the user selects a course from the dropdown.

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