5. A. AIM: Illustrate structural directive ngIf-else.
Step-1: Edit the app.component.html with the following code.
This is if block text.
<ng-template #falseBlock>
This is else block text.
Run the following command to build and serve your app.
Open browser and enter the URL http://localhost:4200 to find the application.
Output:5. B. AIM: Create a courses array and rendering it in the template using ngFor directive in a list format.
Step-1: Edit the app.component.ts with the following code.
selector: 'app-root',
templateUrl: './app.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./app.component.css']
export class AppComponent {
courses = ['HTML','CSS','JavaScript','Angular','React']
Step-2: Edit the app.component.html with the following code.
<h3>List of Courses:</h3>
<li *ngFor = "let course of courses">{{ course }}</li>
Run the following command to build and serve your app.
Open browser and enter the URL http://localhost:4200 to find the application.
Output:5. C. AIM: Display the correct option based on the value passed to ngSwitch directive.
Step-1: Edit the app.component.html with the following code.
<label *ngSwitchCase="1">HTML</label>
<label *ngSwitchCase="2">CSS</label>
<label *ngSwitchCase="3">JavaScript</label>
<label *ngSwitchCase="4">Angular</label>
<label *ngSwitchDefault>No Course Selected</label>
Run the following command to build and serve your app.
Open browser and enter the URL http://localhost:4200 to find the application.