- Creating a NumPy Array
- Basic ndarray
- Array of zeros
- Array of ones
- Random numbers in ndarray
- An array of your choice
- Imatrix in NumPy
- Evenly spaced ndarray
- The Shape and Reshaping of NumPy Array
- Dimensions of NumPy array
- Shape of NumPy array
- Size of NumPy array
- Reshaping a NumPy array
- Flattening a NumPy array
- Transpose of a NumPy array
Expanding and Squeezing a NumPy Array
- Expanding a NumPy Array
- Squeezing a NumPy Array
- Sorting in NumPy Arrays
Slicing of NumPy Array
- Slicing 1-D NumPy Arrays
- Slicing 2-D NumPy Arrays
- Slicing 3-D NumPy Arrays
- Negative Slicing of NumPy Arrays
Stacking and Concatenating Numpy Arrays
- Stacking ndarrays
- Concatenating ndarrays
Write a NumPy program that changes the type of array.
Write a NumPy program that compare two arrays.
Write a Numpy program to calculate column-wise sum of a given matrix.
Write a NumPy program to calculate mean of array by ignoring NaN.
Pandas DataFrame operations
- Creating DataFrame
- Concatenate of DataFrames
- Setting Conditions
- Adding a New Column
Perform following operations using Pandas
- Filling NaN with String
- Sorting based on column values
- groupby()
Read the following file formats using Pandas.
- Text Files
- CSV Files
- Excel Files
- JSON Files
Write a Python program that can perform verious operations on MongoDB.
Demonstrate web scraping using Python.