Web Technologies Lab R16

  1. Design the following static web pages required for an online book store web site.
    1. Home Page
    2. Login Page
    3. Catalogue Page
    4. Registration Page

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  2. Design a web page using CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) which includes the following: 1) Use different font, styles: In the style definition you define how each selector should work (font, color etc.). Then, in the body of your pages, you refer to these selectors to activate the styles.

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  3. Write JavaScript to validate the following fields of the registration page.
    1. Name (Name should contains alphabets and the length should not be less than 6 characters).
    2. Password (Password should not be less than 6 characters length).
    3. Confirm password(Password and confirm password should be same).
    4. E-mail id (should not contain any invalid and must follow the standard pattern name@domain.com).
    5. Phone number (Phone number should contain 10 digits only).

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  4. Write an XML file which will display the Book information which includes the following:
    1. Title of the book
    2. Author Name
    3. ISBN number
    4. Publisher name
    5. Edition
    6. Price
    Write a Document Type Definition (DTD) to validate the above XML file.

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  5. Assume four users user1, user2, user3 and user4 having the passwords pwd1, pwd2, pwd3 and pwd4 respectively. Write a PHP for doing the following.
    1. Create a Cookie and add these four user id’s and passwords to this Cookie.
    2. Read the user id and passwords entered in the Login form (week1) and authenticate with the values (user id and passwords) available in the cookies. If he is a valid user (i.e., user-name and password match) you should welcome him by name (user-name) else you should display "You are not an authenticated user".

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  6. Insert the details of users who register with the web site by using registration form. Authenticate the user when he submits the login form using the user name and password from the database.

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  7. HTTP is a stateless protocol. Session is required to maintain the state.
    Every user will have his own session which will be created after his successful login to the website. When the user logs out his session should get invalidated.

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  8. Write Ruby program reads a number and calculates the factorial value of it and prints the same.

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  9. Write a Ruby program which counts number of lines in a files.

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  10. Write a Ruby program that uses iterator to find out the length of a string.

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  11. Write simple Ruby programs that uses arrays in Ruby.

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  12. Write programs which uses associative arrays concept of Ruby.

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  13. Write Ruby program which uses Math module to find area of a triangle.

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  14. Write Ruby program which uses tk module to display a window.

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