HTML Questions

What is HTML?
HTML – HyperText Markup Language used to develop static web pages.
Difference between tag and attribute?
Tag is the way to represent HTML element and attribute use to describe its characteristics.
What is the use of head section or head tag?
Head section or <head> tag used to import external files into HTML. The only element used to present text on web browser is <title> tag.
What are HTML Entities?
To present reserved characters of HTML on web browsers we need entities.
What is Doctype element?
<!DOCTYPE html> is the declaration statement used to instruct web browser about the version of HTML.
What is meta tag?
<meta> tag is used to provide information about page to the search engines.
What is the use of pre tag?
<pre> tag defines preformatted text – which has fixed font size, font face and it preserves blank spacing.
What is the full form of href?
href – Hyperlink Reference
What are list tags?
Ordered list, Unordered list and Definition list.
What is nav tag?
<nav> tag is used to set navigation links.
When we use link tag?
<link> tag used to define link between document and external files.
What is the use of rowspan and colspan attributes?
rowspan is used to merge two or more rows in table.
colspan is used to merge two or more columns in table.
Difference between th and td tags?
<th>, table head, tag is used to present data in bold and center of the cell.
<td>, table data, tag is used to present data in normal and left side of the cell.
Difference between get and post methods of form?
Sent form data as URL variables. Sent form data as HTTP post transaction.
GET send limited amount of data (2048 characters) POST has no size limits
GET is not secured. POST is secured.
What is multipart form data?
multipart/form-data is one of the values of the formenctype attribute. It is used to send the file data to the server-side for processing.
What is iframe tag?
iframe, inline frame, is used to embed another HTML document into current HTML document.

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