MEAN Stack Technologies Module-I

  1. A. Include the Metadata element in Homepage.html for providing description as IEKart's is an online shopping website that sells goods in retail. This company deals with various categories like Electronics, Clothing, Accessories etc.
    B. Enhance the Homepage.html of IEKart's Shopping Application by adding appropriate sectioning elements.
    C. Make use of appropriate grouping elements such as list items to "About Us" page of IEKart's Shopping Application. Link "Login", "SignUp" and "Track order" to "Login.html", "SignUp.html" and "Track.html" page respectively. Bookmark each category to its details of IEKart's Shopping application.
    D. Add the © symbol in the Home page footer of IEKart's Shopping application.

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  2. A. Enhance the details page of IEKart's Shopping application by adding a table element to display the available mobile/any inventories.
    B. Using the form elements create Signup page for IEKart's Shopping application.

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  3. A. Write a JavaScript program to find the area of a circle using radius and PI (const).
    B. Write JavaScript code to display the movie details such as movie name, starring, language, and ratings. Initialize the variables with values of appropriate types. Use template literals wherever necessary.
    C. Write JavaScript code to book movie tickets online and calculate the total price, considering the number of tickets and price per ticket as Rs. 150. Also, apply a festive season discount of 10% and calculate the discounted amount.
    D. Write a JavaScript code to book movie tickets online and calculate the total price based on the 3 conditions: (a) If seats to be booked are not more than 2, the cost per ticket remains Rs. 150. (b) If seats are 6 or more, booking is not allowed. (c) If seats are less than 6 give discount of 10% and calculate the discounted amount.

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  4. A. Write a JavaScript code(use functions) to book movie tickets online and calculate the total price based on the 3 conditions: (a) If seats to be booked are not more than 2, the cost per ticket remains Rs. 150. (b) If seats are 6 or more, booking is not allowed. (c) If seats are less than 6 give discount of 10% and calculate the discounted amount.
    B. Create an Employee class extending from a base class Person. Hints: (i) Create a class Person with name and age as attributes. (ii) Add a constructor to initialize the values (iii) Create a class Employee extending Person with additional attributes.

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  5. A. Create an array of objects having movie details. The object should include the movie name, starring, language, and ratings. Render the details of movies on the page using the array.
    B. Simulate a periodic stock price change and display on the console. Hints: (i) Create a method which returns a random number - use Math.random, floor and other methods to return a rounded value. (ii) Invoke the method for every three seconds and stop when you get 10 prices.
    C. Validate the user by creating a login module. Hints: (i) Create a file login.js with a User class. (ii) Create a validate method with username and password as arguments. (iii) If the username and password are equal it will return "Login Successful" else return "Invalid User Name or Password".

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  6. Write JavaScript to validate the following fields of the registration page.
    1. Name (Name should contains alphabets and the length should not be less than 6 characters).
    2. Password (Password should not be less than 6 characters length).
    3. Confirm password(Password and confirm password should be same).
    4. E-mail id (should not contain any invalid and must follow the standard pattern
    5. Phone number (Phone number should contain 10 digits only).

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  7. Write a JavaScript to show and hide password.

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  8. A. Create a simple JavaScript file and execute it successfully in Node.js platform.
    B. Write a program to show the workflow of JavaScript code executable by creating web server in Node.js.
    C. Write a Node.js module to show the workflow of Modularization of Node application.
    D. Create a text file src.txt and add the following data to it. Mongo, Express, Angular, Node.

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    1. On the page, display the price of the mobile-based in three different colors. Instead of using the number in our code, represent them by string values like GoldPlatinum, PinkGold, SilverTitanium.
    2. Define a function inside the event handler to filter the product array with the selected product object using the productId received by the function.

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