- Introduction to Python Programming
- Installation Process
- Input and Output(I/O) Functions
- Indentation and Comments
- Identifiers, Keywords and Variables
- Datatypes in Python
- Type Conversion
- Decision-Making Statements
- Looping Statements
- range() function
- break, continue and pass Statements
- Strings
- String Methods
- Lists
- List Cloning
- List Methods
- Tuple
- Built-in function with Tuple
- Dictionary
- Dictionary Methods
- Sets
- Set Methods
- Comprehensions
- Introduction to Functions
- Type of Arguments
- Anonymous Function
- Function Composition and Recursions
- Map, Filter and Reduce functions
- Files
- Introduction to Modules
- os Modules and its functions
- random Module and its functions
- statistics Module and its functions
- Exception Handling
- OOP Principles in Python
- Class and Object
- Constructor
- Inheritance
- super() Method
- Encapsulation
- Abstract Class and Abstract Methods