Given a string, find the substring based on following conditions:
- The substring must be the longest one of all the possible substring in the given string.
- There must not be any repeating characters in the substring.
- If there is more than one substring satisfying the above two conditions, then print the substring which occurs first.
- Length of the substring must be minimum 3.
If there is no substring satisfying all the aforementioned conditions then print -1.
Sample Input1:
Sample Output1:
Sample Input2:
Sample Output2:
Given an expression string expression, write a program to examine whether the pairs and the orders of {, }, (, ), [, ] are correct in expression.
Sample Input1:
Sample Output1:
Sample Input2:
Sample Output1:
Not Balanced
Write a C program to print the first half of the list at last and last half of the list at first.
Input format:
First-line contains the size of the array.
The second line contains elements of array separated by space.
Output Format:
Modified Array
Sample Input1:
1 2 3 4 5
Sample Output1:
4 5 3 1 2
Sample Input2:
1 4 6 2 3 5
Sample Output2:
2 3 5 1 4 6
Write a program to remove the given word from the input string. If the substring is not present in the input string, then print the input string.
Input Format:
First-line consists of the sentence.
Second line consists of the words which we want to remove from the given sentence.
Output Format:
Sentence after the given word is removed.
Sample Input1:
Python is object oriented scripting language.
object oriented
Sample Output1:
Python is scripting language.
Sample Input2:
Python is object oriented scripting language.
Sample Output2:
Python is object oriented scripting language.