Test 3 Answers

  1. First operating system designed using C programming language.
  2. Which of the following variable cannot be used by switch-case statement?
    ANS: float
  3. The prototype of a function can be used to
    ANS: Declare a function
  4. To print a double value which format specifier can be used?
    ANS: %lf
  5. Which of the following is a logical operator?
    ANS: !, &&, ||
  6. Which of the following is used in mode string to open the file in binary mode?
    ANS: b
  7. Which of these is an invalid dataname?
    ANS: wd-count
  8. Which of the following is the correct usage of conditional operators used in C?
    ANS: max = a>b ? a>c?a:c:b>c?b:c
  9. Which of the following data type uses %e format specifier?
    ANS: float or double
  10. Which of the following format specifier is used for unsigned char?
    ANS: %c

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